The Grand Social Series: Eighties Edition, held at
Maxwell’s Concerts & Events in Waterloo, raised $45,000 for Grand River Hospital’s
neonatal intensive care unit.
Throwback to the ’80s!
Mikayla Loehndorf, Hillary Britt, Kathleen Bennett, Harjot Thandi
Throwback to the ’80s!
Natalie Chatterton, Barbara Klisowska
Throwback to the ’80s!
Phil and Chris Bryant
Throwback to the ’80s!
Tracey Bailey, Jake Friedman, Helen Friedman, Mary Ann Wenzler-Wiebe
Throwback to the ’80s!
Barney Strassburger, Christine Strassburger, Jenn Bourbonnais, Sarah Taylor
Throwback to the ’80s!
Debby Riepert, Samantha Riepert
Throwback to the ’80s!
Donna Huddleston, Jay Huddleston
Throwback to the ’80s!
Gillian Lawrence, Tara Howell, Jen Davis, Juliette Hunter, Michelle Penney
Throwback to the ’80s!
Bogdan Paun, Andrea Paun, Caroline Knibutat, Darren Knibutat
Throwback to the ’80s!
Jillian Dowding, Kelsey Richard, Jeni Sherry
Throwback to the ’80s!
Gerald Stubbe, Janice Hergott
Throwback to the ’80s!
Brent Hergott, Julie Roth
Throwback to the ’80s!
Sara Watson, Norah Hassan, Shelley Croth
Throwback to the ’80s!
Chris Horn, Michelle Caudle, Candice Topp, Luke Wiens
Throwback to the ’80s!
Michael & Janice Deganis
Throwback to the ’80s!
Melinda Tomlinson, Rich Szasz
Throwback to the ’80s!
Deb Repke, Geanna Bean
Throwback to the ’80s!
Amber Bernard, Angie Hill
Throwback to the ’80s!
Meaghan Gibson, Matt McQuade, Robert Murray, Matt Jacobs, Kris Ronan, Nat Poley
Throwback to the ’80s!
Alana Simpson, Caitlin Simpson, Kelsey Simpson
Throwback to the ’80s!
Matt Martin, Alex Seprus, Jordanna Errey, Greg Errey
Photography • Crestina Martins